A Glimpse Into The Faces Of MTG’s Upcoming Core Set 2019

June 20, 2018 by deltagamegirl22

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Anyone that loves Magic The Gathering has to appreciate the thought that goes into constructing the Core Sets.

These Core Sets offer the perfect launch point for new Magic the Gathering players, as well as complexity for the most veteran players.

What you really have to love is the thought that goes into exploring the storylines in the game. Each set classically takes a deep dive into specific elements of the planes or their inhabitants - and the Core Set 2019 is all about Nicol Bolas!

Wizards of the coast went all out to make this Core Set appealing to the fans by offering a great variety of possible deck building. There are 5 mono-colour planeswalkers in the set, offering the lure to keep your deck construction on the simpler side (a brilliant move for new players), and if you wanted to make things more complicated, then look no further than Nicol Bolas in all his multicolour glory!

The legendary creatures offer wonderful complexity to the game for drafting as well as an incredible new list of Commanders for those that prefer that format of MTG.

The latest Core Set is due to hit stores July 13th, with pre-release slated for July 7th and 8th.

What kind of Magic deck will you be constructing with the Core Set 2019?

"The latest Core Set is due to hit stores July 13th, with pre-release slated for July 7th and 8th..."

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