It's OTTWeekender time! On this week's show we explore Human Interface: Be a Better Human, a cyberpunk-themed miniature board game where players escape a high-security prison and fight against corrupt corporations.
Red Bard Bring Their New Oldhammer Undead To Kickstarter
Hicks Previews Arnhem Germans For World War II Wargames
Fight The Wars Of The Samurai In Warlord Games’ Pike & Shotte
Join Zealous Warbands In Upcoming Warhammer 40K Kill Team Set
Join The Midnight Sons In New Marvel: Crisis Protocol Set
In today's unboxing, Gerry takes a look at some stunning and very different Sci-Fi terrain for use in your skirmish games like Infinity or perhaps even CodeBlade if you enjoy Cyberpunk. What do you make of the Holobox Modular Terrain from Laserforge Miniatures.
Gerry unboxes and reviews the Shadow Glade Troupe from Goblin King Games for their whimsical Fantasy miniatures game, Moonstone. There are three more gorgeous 32mm scale resin miniatures in this set for use with the Dominion faction.
In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Warren talks about how much he is loving returning to the Sci-Fi world of Star Wars and Gerry surprises us all with some interesting thoughts on scenario and rules design which blends together some classic wargaming ideas AND some new ones.
In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, the team have a chat about superhero miniatures games. We talk about what mechanics you need to consider when building the rules and some things that we reckon the big names like Marvel and DC still don't do well.
In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Lloyd joins Gerry and Ben as the trio talks about Gerry's love of Pulp and also how you can change up your games by simply exploring different ways of deploying your miniatures on the tabletop. What do you think of our ideas?
[unofficial weekender] *insert funny topic here*
News, Rumours & General Discussion
What Are You Painting Now?
Painting in Tabletop Gaming
Movement Tray Idea
News, Rumours & General Discussion
[unofficial weekender] And then there was silence.
News, Rumours & General Discussion
[Kickstarter] Smallfolk - A Whimsical Gnome TTRPG
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Any company making After Market 1/56 track lengths ?
News, Rumours & General Discussion
BattleTech: Mercenaries - CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!
News, Rumours & General Discussion
[Official Birthday Thread] It's cake day!
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Check out some great painting on Oldhammer Space Orks and some new Warriors Of Rohan PLUS a pretty intensive build guide for you Gundam fans.
Join John and Shay for a Bolt Action battle report! In this Let's Play of Bolt Action 3rd Edition, the guys are playing a custom scenario where John must get his US forces across a bridge and deeper into German-held territory.
Gerry unboxes and reviews the new Dark Deeds Troupe for Goblin King Games' Moonstone. This boxed set comes with three of the new 32mm, high-quality resin Faerie miniatures for this whimsical Fantasy miniatures game.
UK Games Expo recently announced its partnership with the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy to bring a big new painting competition to the convention this year. The UKGE Painting Competition, the Sir Coates Painting Masters, is open to all – whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time painter, there’s a category for everyone.
EVERYTHING You Need To Know! Sir Coates Painting Masters @ UKGE 2025 | Duncan Rhodes Interview
1 week ago 3Gerry interviews Duncan Rhodes about the upcoming UK Games Expo Painting Competition, the Sir Coates Painting Masters. They tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the competition including the different categories, who will be judging and both veteran painters and newcomers can get involved.
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we're having a look at Terminus Frontier, a stylish new board game that might have what it takes to be a Gloomhaven killer! Mixing together ideas from the likes of XCOM and first person shooters with a campaign-based design, it is looking like a swanky new alternative.
Gerry unboxes and reviews some of the new Explorer Corps miniatures from one of his favourite Pulp Sci-Fi wargames, Star Schlock, by Wunkay. In this review, he looks at the Explorer Officers and the Explorer Landing Party from the miniatures game.
Unboxing: Senator Battlefleet Set | Dystopian Wars
2 weeks ago 1Justin unboxes and reviews the contents of the Senator Battlefleet Set from Warcradle Studios and Wayland Games for use in your naval wargames of Dystopian Wars. Designed as a packed set for the Union, this gives you a bunch of new ships for expanding your fleet or starting a new one.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we explore some great post-apocalyptic heroes, a Shatterpoint story and stunning Horus Heresy-era painting.
Join Gerry and Shay for a Let's Play of Stargrave where there is a bounty on offer and they are hunting down a Mech Pilot using one of the scenarios from the Dead Or Alive supplement for this Sci-Fi skirmish game by Joseph A. McCullough and Osprey Games.
Aircraft Inbound For Warcradle’s 10mm Wargame, Armoured Clash!
Charge Into Battle With Khurasan’s Ace 15mm Riders Of Nahor
The 8th Army Takes To Victrix’s 12mm World War II Battlefields
Warhammer 40K’s Emperor’s Children & Aeldari Land Soon
New Don’t Look Back Core Box Set Now On Gamefound
Double Trouble…
6 months ago 7Give @caesar a friendly welcome in the comments to his own channel here OnTableTop!
8 months ago 8Give @caesar a friendly welcome in the comments to his own channel here OnTableTop!
Unboxing: Zamiec Battlefleet Set | Dystopian Wars
2 weeks ago 1Join Justin for an unboxing and review of the Zamiec Battlefleet Set by Warcradle Studios which is a great new Dystopian Wars option for those playing as the Commonwealth. A solid Polish-Lithuanian option which brings air support to this naval wargame.
Unboxing: Quar Fidwog Infantry | Wargames Atlantic
2 weeks ago 5Gerry unboxes and reviews the newest Quar plastic set from Wargames Atlantic. Here, he's looking at the Fidwog Infantry Box for This Quar's War which comes with Infantry and the "Centipede" Squad Tractors.
It's OTTWeekender time! What if you could have all your favourite TV shows and movies in just ONE miniatures game? In this week's show, we dive into some awesome miniatures from across Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, History and Pulp that you can get from the team at Crooked Dice for their excellent miniatures wargame, 7TV.
OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024
2 weeks ago 16Join us for the OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024 where we are honouring the best tabletop games and products from last year across board games, card games, miniature wargames and beyond.
Gerry and John showcase the new miniatures from the South London Warlords for Salute 2025! John shows off how he painted the miniature for Lieutenant Colonel James Macdonell for all you Napoleonic fans and also the Highlander Mech Pilot.
Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...