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Cult Of Games XLBS: Digital Featherstone – Can A.I Capture The Genius Of Wargaming’s Pioneer?

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In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Warren talks about how much he is loving returning to the Sci-Fi world of Star Wars and Gerry surprises us all with some interesting thoughts on scenario and rules design which blends together some classic wargaming ideas AND some new ones.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Makes A Good Superhero Miniatures Game?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, the team have a chat about superhero miniatures games. We talk about what mechanics you need to consider when building the rules and some things that we reckon the big names like Marvel and DC still don't do well.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Fix Your Wargames With Divergent Deployment!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Lloyd joins Gerry and Ben as the trio talks about Gerry's love of Pulp and also how you can change up your games by simply exploring different ways of deploying your miniatures on the tabletop. What do you think of our ideas?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Searching For The Obscure; Where Should We Look For Gaming Potential?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we discuss the potential for going off-book and looking for gaming opportunities in obscure and forgotten battles. Not just in historical wargames but also in fantasy and science fiction.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Too Much Stuff! Has The Wargaming Hobby Become Overwhelming?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we talk about getting overwhelmed by just how much stuff there is in the hobby for you to contend with! Do you feel like you get overwhelmed by your choice of wargame or perhaps the hobby as a whole? Has it got worse in recent years? Please tell us what you think!

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Do You Get People Into Wargaming In 2025?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, John takes the plunge into the Fantasy world of Kings Of War with a new army plus we ask the question; how do you get new people into the hobby and wargames in 2025?

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Would YOU Create The Perfect Wargaming Campaign Weekend?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! This weekend we're giving Shay an education in some classic wargaming TV shows and how they might then be turned into fun games to be played out over the course of a big campaign weekend. We then turn things over to you and ask how YOU would craft a campaign weekend.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What’s Going To Be BIG In The Tabletop World In 2025?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! John, Justin and Ben get stuck into showcasing some of the hobby they have been working on over the last couple of weeks as they totally stuck to their pledges at the end of 2024. We also talk about what we think could be the BIG new thing to take over the tabletop world in 2025.

Cult Of Games Ask Us Anything – The Team Answers Your Questions!


During the last few weeks of 2024, we put together a form where Cult Of Games members could submit questions for the different team members to answer. Well, we sat down and answered all of your questions in an epic-length Q&A session just for you subscribers. Sit back, grab a drink, do some hobbying and watch along!

Cult Of Games XLBS: We Got Presents! The Great Giftmas Unboxing 2024


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! The awesome horati0nosebl0wer has bestowed some awesome gifts upon us once again as part of the annual Giftmas day! With that in mind, we have a look at what we've been sent this year, gush over miniatures, games and lovely letters and bring in the festive period for 2024.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Hobby Projects We’ll Definitely Do In 2025!*


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, the guys talk about the projects that they are thinking about for 2025. They talk about the games that they want to play, the miniatures they want to paint AND the events that they want to go to. What are your tabletop hobby plans for 2025?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Perfect RPG Spooks; Why Is Ghostbusters So F**kin’ Awesome?!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, the guys get super passionate about one of their favourite movies ever and why it seems like it might be the perfect playground for some gaming in the roleplaying space and perhaps even beyond. If you're a fan of Ghostbusters then you'll want to give this one a watch...

Cult Of Games XLBS: Your Ideal Battleground! What Big Terrain Project Would You Start?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on terrain building after seeing John's work on his fun little Kill Team project. We decide to go BIG and think about larger-than-life terrain projects. What do you think your dream terrain project would be?

Cult Of Games Exclusive! BONUS Peter Dennis Interview


During Bolt Action 3rd Edition Week, Gerry sat down with legendary artist Peter Dennis. There was SO much chat that we had to cut it down BUT we're back with the BONUS chat between Gerry and Peter about Peter's Paperboys, his history in the industry and more.

Cult Of Games XLBS: No Limits! What Would Your Passion Project Be?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we have a talk about passion projects. If we weren't focusing on a million different projects at once what would be THE big passion project that we'd love to dive into? Would it be an epic army build, an impressive table or something else? Let us know your passion projects in the comments!

Cult Of Games Ask Us Anything – Q&A 2024


As mentioned on a recent Cult Of Games XLBS episode, we're opening up to a bit of an Ask Me Anything (AMA) this year for Cult Of Games members. If you've got a burning question for a team member about the hobby, OnTableTop or anything else, get involved and we're looking to answer it during the Christmas break!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Buy More Wargaming Rules & Battle The Boring!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Warren shows off more of his Fantasy DreadBall plans for TerrainFest and Ben decides that we might need to buy more rules rather than just buying more miniatures for our ever-growing piles of potential! What do you think?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Adding Fun Scenarios To Your Wargames; Forget The Meatgrinder!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a chat about how to make your tabletop games more fun with the addition of narrative scenarios, twists and more so they don't just become a mind-numbing killfest! Do you have any tips for creating narrative games and what campaign do you think we should play next year?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Lloyd Feels A Need For Speed! How Would You Design A Racing Game?


This week's Cult Of Games XLBS has Lloyd at possibly the most excited we've ever seen him. Could this be THE project that gets Lloyd crafting, building and maybe even, heaven forbid, painting?! Lloyd plots out how he'd like to make a fun racing game for the tabletop.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Whip Your Hobby Into Shape; Visiting A Real Life Dungeon!


This week's Cult Of Games XLBS features Lloyd and Warren joining Gerry for a proper Johnston-packed episode! We dive into what Warren has been dreaming up in the 3D printing world, and Lloyd breaks out the holiday snaps with some inspiration for terrain projects yet to be!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Beat The Chaos! How Do You Organise Your Hobby Space?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a bit more of our hobby that we've been up to and Warren brings up the subject of a tidy workspace, a tidy mind! Do you have to organise your workspace to get anything done or do you thrive in the chaos?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Turning A Plastic Pile Into Aztec DreadBall! What’s Your TerrainFest Project?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Warren talks about some of the big new projects that he has lined up for TerrainFest 2024! The Ice Cavern is coming together AND A massive DreadBall arena is in the works that has a distinctly Aztec feel to it. What terrain are you working on for TerrainFest 2024?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Are Wargaming Tournaments Good For YOUR Hobby?


In this week's Cult Of Games, Gerry poses a question on tournaments. Are wargaming tournaments actually really good for focusing your hobby and getting you stuck into projects and games in general? Could they be considered a "necessary evil" or are they more positive than that?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Don’t Worry About “Perfect” – Warren’s Castle Display Build!


In this week's Cult Of Games, Warren shows that it's not just every Englishman who has their own castle. It seems like Irishmen can do the same with an impressive diorama build for showcasing miniatures. He shows off what you can do with some old plastic toy castle terrain and where you could take other projects!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Don’t Be Hasty! Spend More Time With Your Favourite Games!


In this week's Cult Of Games show, we ask whether or not we're making the most out of our wargames. Are we too flighty when it comes to games and miniatures without our collection, never settling on one game and giving it our all? Could there be some benefits for being focused on one game or would we be better off being more Gerry?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Warren’s Ultimate Gaming Tool


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, after getting excited about designing it Warren gets his tool out to show off to the guys and you'll be amazed at what he can do with it.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Hobby Buddies! Who Drives Your Wargaming Passion?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we discuss hobby buddies! Who are the people in your life who really push you to keep diving deep, stoking the passionate hobby fires and continuing with your projects? Also, Wargamer Speed Dating?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Preparing For TerrainFest – What Project Will You Be Working On?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, Warren is discussing a myriad of different hobby plans and would love to know what you folks in the community think. Which one of the big terrain projects should Warren work on for TerrainFest later this year?

Cult Of Games XLBS: The Secret To A Great Gaming Vibe: Do Your Rules Measure Up?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS, where this week, we're discussing what games we have that we really vibe with. What games, mechanics and ranges do you have in your collection that just work without any faff and always give you a good time at the tabletop?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Big Terrain & Big Ideas – Make Every Game Count!


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS where this week, Warren is talking about going BIG and why it's important to him that you make the most of the games that you play. Put in the effort and play awesome-looking games while you've got the time to do it!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Does “The Lore” Influence You Starting A New Wargame?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we discuss how important lore and background are when it comes to getting started with a game. Does good background writing make the difference when it comes to diving into a game and does it work independently or in tandem with beautiful miniatures?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Tables Elevate Your RPG Heroics!


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS as Warren returns and dives into a chat about heroism and fun in your roleplaying games. Do you like the ideas we've been floating? Do we lose something of the cooperative storytelling nature of some RPGs?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Cracking The Code Of Tabletop Game Design!


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS where we're joined by a special guest! Marco Pecota from Raybox Games joins us to talk about the minefield and the ups and downs of game development. How to good ideas come to the surface and how to you juggle cool ideas, especially in the modern fast-paced world of tabletop games.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Bolt Action Chases Down John’s Hobby Plans!


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS as we dive into a chat about the hobby that we're up to and what you've been doing too! We chinwag about starting out with Spearhead and also dive deeper into a discussion on Bolt Action and what the future could hold for the game as John plans a big wintery project.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Yearning For The Old Days! White Dwarf Battle Reports Were The Best?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS we have a look over some hobby that we've been doing and ask the question of what makes a great battle report. Do you like the olden days of White Dwarf or do you prefer a different approach when you dive into your written reports?

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Has Killed Our Hobby Projects?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS we're talking about what has killed your hobby projects in the past. What has popped up and absolutely ground your project into the dust and finished it off? We talk about what has killed our projects and some of the things we've tried to do to remedy it and we would love to know what you think!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Rough Riding Horses? On Yer Bike! Get Kitbashing Instead


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we sit down and discuss John's hobby that brings in an excessive amount of cost for kitbashing and some tournaments both past and future that he plans to attend.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Direction Is Your Hobby Adventure Taking You?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we sit down and discuss where we are on our hobby journey and which phase we think we'll aim for next. Do you find yourself following the zeitgeist and changing often to match your current interest? Or do you have a most focused way of plotting out your hobby journey?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Convention Game Ideas; How Big Would You Go?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we sit down and discuss event/convention games and what ideas we have for our own! Do you think we've hit on some great convention game ideas or are we over-reaching? Which of these would you love to play if you were attending an event like Salute or UK Games Expo?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Our Go-To WW2 Movies For Hobby Inspiration; What Are Yours?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we dive into the hobby that we've been up to. We discuss John's work on his Astra Militarum for Warhammer 40,000 and Ben is looking for inspiration for his World War II armies. What classic World War II movies would you recommend to get him in the mood?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Could Future Tech Paint Your Army For You & Should It?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as Lloyd shows off the work that he has been doing on his Hail Caesar Epic Battles miniatures and how it would be great if there was a machine that could take his scheme and recreate it without him having to go through all the hassle! Do you think that future technology has the answer?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Is 2024 The Perfect Time To Dive Into WW2 Wargaming?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we dive into a discussion on getting ready for a big World War II clash on the tabletop centered around D-Day. Gerry and John are planning a Flames Of War series and we chat about whether or not World War II is going to be THE big thing for 2024 wargaming.

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