Marvel Announces First Multiverse RPG Books For 2023

August 23, 2022 by fcostin

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Last year, Marvel announced that they will be bringing a roleplaying game to our tabletops. Offering up a playtest ruleset earlier this year, they have now released the first details regarding where to get started and the first releases for Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game.

Core Rulebook Cover - Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game

Core Rulebook Cover // Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game

With two titles announced for 2023, the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Core Rulebook brings an entry point and overview into the wide scope of Earth 616, and the fantastical heroes and villains that dwell within. The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: The Cataclysm of Kang adventure book offers up the first journey to explore unchained and expanded on from the core rules.

The Core Book is said to be easily accessible, whether you're an RPG veteran or a newbie to all things adventure. Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game has undergone some serious amount of tweaking since Marvel released playtesting to the public. Bringing details of combat, character profiles of a whole host of iconic heroes and villains, a deep dive into wielding superhuman powers, and exploration of the D616 system - which will only require three six-sided dice.

The Cataclysm of Kang is set to bring a stream of six interconnected adventures, focusing on the menace through time: Kang The Conqueror. With the option to jump straight in after the core book as an overarching campaign, or a chance to suit up as somebody a little more suitable for the cause.

The Cataclysm Of Kang - Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game

The Cataclysm Of Kang Adventure Book Cover // Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game

The content, design and artwork upcoming have wealthy experience behind them which was co-developed by Matt Forbeck -  New York Times Best Seller, known for his work on the Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeonology. With feature covers being produced by Iban Coello established and renowned comic book artist, with a hoard of work across many Marvel titles, alongside publishers DC Comics and Dark Horse.

Both books are set to be released in Summer next year, bringing a whole cast of superheroes to the table. With the speed that Marvel is releasing content over on Disney Plus, we can hope that we'll be able to truly immerse ourselves in heroism with a steady release of adventure books and supplements after release day! With a highly supported franchise, the future is looking bright for the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game. Kicking off on July 23rd 2023.

What hero would you like to take the role as? Or would you create a new hero or villain? I am Groot, I am Groot, I am... Groot. 

"The Cataclysm of Kang is set to bring a stream of six interconnected adventures, focusing on the menace through time: Kang the Conqueror..."

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